Donna lives in New Oxford, PA. with her husband. She has three grown children and two grandchildren. Donna worked in critical care and the Emergency Department as a registered nurse. Experiencing burnout and tired of causing her patients pain, she decided to try massage therapy. While in massage school she discovered aromatherapy which led her to holistic nursing. Rekindling her love of nursing, Donna became a Board-Certified Holistic Nurse and a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist. Now retired from nursing, Donna practices Ushi and Shamanic Reiki. She also studied herbalism from David Winstons Center for Herbal Studies for three years and does herbal consults.
Her love of herbs and plants led her to discover nature based spirituality and Druidry. During Covid she started to journal and write. This led her to write her prose and poetry which formed the basis for her book Poetry, Prose and Musings of a Crone. Following the thread of Druidry, Donna became a dedicated Priestess of Cerridwen in the Avalone tradition and a student of Land Healing. She is a crone, a wise women, a swynwraig, and a witch. Her other interests are reading, gardening, crystals and painting. She enjoys drumming and playing Native American flute.